Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sloths, Scrabble and Pickles.

So it feels like a million years since I've blogged! There's not really a reason I took a few days off. I guess I was focusing on other things. I had a fabulous weekend!

On Friday Jake and I went to lunch at Logan's Heroes; a sub shop which is about as old as time in downtown Logan. The guy who owns it is super funny and always makes conversation. Jake got a gyro and loved it. I like when he enjoys the places that I suggest. Then we went to Books of Yesterday, just a block or two north of the sub shop. It's also extremely old, and HUGE. It has two and a half floors, with books piled up everywhere. Words can't describe how many books. In fact, I took a picture.

Its like stepping back in time when you walk in. Really cool place. We didn't end up buying anything, we mostly just went to look. I felt bad leaving without buying anything, because I honestly don't know how they pay the bills and keep that place open.

 On Saturday Mal and I went down to Orem to our cousin Teresa's baby shower.

This isn't everyone, just the Nash cousins that came. I love all of these girls so much! Teresa and Robin have been trying to have a baby for 10 years, so this was a joyous occasion. I wouldn't have missed it for the world!

After the shower, Mal and I stayed in Orem the rest of the day. I wasn't in a hurry to get home, since Jake was working until 10. We basically just sat around and talked, which is my favorite thing to do with my brothers and their wives.

On Sunday Jake and I went to church. The bishop got up and spoke to us about ward goals in missionary work. He also talked about how our spouse should be our main priority in our lives, and that nobody should be more important than your wife or husband. It was a really great talk. I looked over at Jake and just thought about how much I love him. For the third hour of church I got to play with cute little kids, as always. They are all around the ages of 18 months and 2 years old. I just love them! They seem to like us too, especially when we bring out bubbles. :)

Later that night we played Scrabble. We play co-op Scrabble, where we try to combine our scores together. This time we got a whopping 485! We only had 2 tiles left at the end: a "G" and and "L". So we had to take off 3 points. But not bad, I think!

Now on to catching up on my 30 day thingy.

Day #10: A picture of the person you do the most screwed up things with.

Call me boring, but I don't think I do any screwed up things... I'm spontaneous sometimes, and do weird things, but "screwed up" isn't a phrase I would use to describe my daily activities. So... I guess I'll just put up a silly picture of Jake, because we do silly things together.

Day #11: A picture of something you hate.

I HATE PICKLES! In fact, when I went to Google to search for an image of pickles, I got really anxious. They are slimy, they are nasty, they smell and taste bad. I've tried many times to like them, so it's not a lack of participation on my part. There is a funny saying that I like: "Pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil." Amen.

Day #12: A picture of something you love.

Sloths! They are so cute and cuddly looking! I am not partial to either 2 or 3 toed sloths, I think they are both so sweet. I did a report on sloths when I was in elementary school, and read a book about this family that raised sloths and said they were the best pets. I think it would be so cool to have one.

Today's post is supposed to be about my favorite band. But as we saw from my favorite TV show, I can't just pick one. So I'll leave this for tomorrow!