Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day #7: Most Treasured Item.

Today at the gym, a lady was getting on to the machine next to me and I noticed she had a big black hardcover book with the cover removed. Later on I glanced over and realized from the font of the chapter heading that she was reading TWILIGHT! She couldn't hide it from ME! It's funny that people are ashamed of such funny things.

You're probably thinking: Why in the world does Hannah recognize the font from Twilight? The real loser in this situation must be me. Yes, it's true. But to be fair I only read the first two books, then realized how ridiculous they are.

Also, two people stood around for at least an hour and chatted. They did not touch a single piece of exercise equipment. I'm betting they left after awhile and felt like they had put in a good day's work at the gym, too.

Enough gym bashing.

Day #7: A picture of your most prized possession.

This one is easy.

This is one of my high school senior pictures. My mom bought this violin shortly after I began lessons at the age of 4, in hopes that she would someday give it to me. I worked my way up from a shoe box dressed up as a violin, to this beautiful instrument. The truth is that it isn't worth all that much. I've been told that I should really buy a new one. I'm so attached to this one, though. Plus I can't afford a new one... but that's not the point. I remember when I finally graduated into the full size.

I named my violin Zeke, after my mom's nickname for her back brace in high school. My mom had scoliosis; can you imagine having to wear a back brace in one of the most vulnerable times in your life? But my mom was/is a rock star: she won the title of Homecoming Queen! That's the history behind the name.

I also love my violin because its deep red hue matches my hair color.

My other most prized possession:

My wedding ring. When Jake proposed, he didn't have a ring. He decided he wanted me to pick one out. I've never regretted this. I've often wondered what he would have picked out, but going shopping together was so amazing. I picked this one because it looks so much like my mom's ring. When I was young I used to take my mom's ring off her finger and play with it. This one is just different enough to make it my own.

What's your most prized possession?

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