Thursday, March 24, 2011

Embarrassing, funny, silly pictures.

Day #8: A picture that makes you laugh.

Well, you're all in luck. I have scanned 15 hilarious pictures from times throughout my life. One of the reasons I started blogging is because I have hundreds of pictures that I wanted to somehow document. Here we go.

This one is more embarrassing than funny, but 8 years later I can laugh at myself and see the humor in this picture. As a freshman in high school, I was the BIGGEST Avril Lavigne fan. No seriously. The biggest. I went to two of her shows, one of which was in Modesto. It was a really small theater. Mallory got their early in the morning to wait in line and so when we got inside we were right against the stage. A bunch of girls handed her their jewelry and she took it. She got to my side of the stage and decided she didn't want my bracelet. I cried for the rest of the day.

When I was young it was cool to go to the mall to get pictures taken with your friends. You could go there, wait in line, take pictures and have them printed out all within a couple of hours: this ordeal basically sealed your friendship. The top one is in 8th grade with Kindra Brockman, the middle one is Anna Hild and I my sophmore year and the bottom one is with my cousin Katie my 8th grade year. I am embarrassed to admit that Anna and I actually did this more than once, and I also took pictures with my two best high school friends, Maggie and Nichole. Yeah.

Here we go. Some pure comedy. Thanks, Dad. My dad decided to pose as a diver right next to the no diving sign. The funny part that you can't see is that he is facing pavement, not the river.

My sister Mallory, probably about age 13 at Girls Camp. I don't know what else to say except that this is Classic Mal.

My family in total chaos. I don't know why I'm licking my finger. My parents framed this and put it in our dining room growing up. Not sure why.

My good old friend Matt Palmer and I used to write each other letters in high school (he lived in Utah, I lived in California). Quite often he would also send pictures of his dogs and cats. This is his maniac dog, Charlie. He always seemed to capture Charlie at perfect moments. When I finally had the opportunity to meet Charlie, he was not so funny.

My four sisters and I collected Beanie Babies. We had dozens. One day I had the brilliant idea to take pictures with them. We took different shots with different ideas. I think this one was my idea of the three older girls holding our favorite beanie baby and making mad faces. Genius.

My sister Mallory as a baby. I like this one because I was probably going through a jealous stage not getting enough attention with the new baby, so I had to poke my head into this would-be nice shot of my dad and Mal.

Maggie and I fighting in front of Cold Stone Creamery in Oakdale. I'm pretty sure that's not my swim parka. I wasn't on the swim team. I miss Maggie.

I am the equivalent of Sam the Eagle in "The Great Muppet Caper" when he says: "You are all weirdos". The funniest part is that my mom is still gorgeous even when she makes a funny face.

My dog Maggie, who has since ran away, used to sit outside our back door and mope because we wouldn't let her in. She must have been a very successful dramatic actress in a former life. She would lick the screen door, push her cold nose up against the glass, and most often just look at us all like she does in this picture.

At Girls Camp we did something called the Gory Hike. Girls at the 4th year level would each have something terrible happen to them so that the other girls, who had gone through First Aid training and such could have the opportunity to save them from their doom. My role was pretty mild. I think I just had a black eye and a runny nose. I seem fairly happy.

One of my personal favorites. When I was in junior high I was in love with Haley Joel Osment (boy actor from "The Sixth Sense"). I asked my parents for an autographed picture of him for Christmas. Mallory, who always had to copy me, decided she had a crush on Frankie Muniz (from "Malcolm in the Middle"... eww!) and also asked for a picture. This picture still cracks me up.


  1. Check out my poodle hair in the Girls Camp hair was insane.

  2. I remember thinking that you were so cool for sticking up for the music you liked. I wanted to be like that too!

  3. Bri_cheesy: thanks! But also, who are you? :)

  4. Oh haha! It's Briana Danner! I totally forgot that I still come up as that lol
