Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day #4: my night

Day #4: A picture of your night. 

I love Sundays. It's the one day a week that we are generally together all day. Sometimes Jake has to work but usually he has Sundays off. We get out of church at 12:30 and then have the afternoon, evening and night to sit around and talk and laugh. If only every day could be like today.

I'm a big fan of Sunday naps. I can take 4 or 5 hour naps without a problem, but I have to work early in the morning on Mondays so I usually keep my Sunday naps to a 2 hour maximum. Jake usually wakes up before me and lets me sleep.

My picture is of Jake with a present I bought him this week. Borders is going out of business. I'm still coping with this fact; I live right behind Borders and have spent many quality hours there, I'm not sure what I'll do with myself when it's gone. Anyway, Jake has been eying the complete Mr. Bean collection for quite some time. It's originally $70, but I waited out all the small sales, and finally bought it as a surprise for him this last week at a really good deal. He's been working so hard, and I just like to make him happy. :)

My favorite part about buying this present is that I knew that watching Mr. Bean would bring out Jake's outrageous laugh, reserved only for things that he finds completely hysterical. In a way, it was a present to myself.

1 comment:

  1. i like me some mr bean, so what? who cares? *shoulder shrug twice*
