Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day #3 - BEST television characters.

Today at the gym was very strange. I started out on the treadmill, watching something really lame on tv, and then my headphones started shocking me! Apparently my ears were conducting a little too much electricity? I'm not sure what it was. So I ran in silence for a while.

One of my goals for 2011 is to love running. I've been trying to love it, and you know what?

I STILL hate it.

I was pondering this today on my silent run, and realized that maybe it's partly because I have terrible shoes. I don't own a pair of running shoes. I looked around me, and everyone had some pretty nice running shoes on.

I wear my worn out $15 Payless shoes. I'm a little embarrassed. Does anyone have any suggestions for good running shoes that aren't terribly expensive?

Now on to Day #3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

This is a tough one for me. My favorite show is probably The Office, but there are so many other good shows out there too. I'm going to change the question a little bit, and make it into my favorite tv characters.

First and foremost, the best television ensemble would have to be the good folks from Freaks and Geeks.

This show is very close to my heart. Lindsay's character reminds me so much of myself my freshman year of high school. Every character is incredibly real. I will never understand why this show didn't last longer. But maybe it's like James Dean and John Lennon: only the good die young.

Here are some of my favorite characters from other shows:

Jimmy Fallon, from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Okay, so he's not an actual character, he plays himself. And I mean that quite literally. Jimmy Fallon is exactly himself on his own show. He's kind, gracious, and every time he pokes fun he somehow manages to keep the person's character in tact. I can't stand to watch any other late night hosts after seeing Jimmy; they're all so mean in comparison. Conan? Such a jerk. Jimmy is hilarious, a breath of fresh air. Rolling Stone Magazine wrote a great article about Jimmy a couple of months ago about how he is as kind in person as he is on his show. Love that guy.

Seth Cohen, from The O.C.

The quintessential lame emo kid, who is stuck in a town with beach bunnies and tough guys. The most pathetic character, yet when you add Ryan Atwood into the mix he becomes a saint. He's what made "The O.C" different from all the other ridiculous teen shows such as "One Tree Hill" and "Gossip Girl" (which was, coincidentally, made by the same guy). And his chemistry with Summer? Classic.

Sydney Bristow, from Alias

I truly believe that J.J. Abrams did his best work on Alias. Alias was the first show I watched that wasn't a kids show. Every week I would watch it with my mom and our brand new Tivo, and I felt very grown up. I dressed up as Sydney once for Halloween (the blue hair episode, but with more modest clothing :D). Sydney has a heart of gold, but still knows how to kick some serious butt.

Joan Harris  from Mad Men

I think maybe what I love about Joan is actually more just the actress, Christina Hendricks. She is breathtakingly gorgeous, but is obviously not a size 2. She carries herself so gracefully on the show, and her character is, for the most part, unaffected by all the drama that occurs in the office. I love seeing what she wears, too.

Phil Dunphy from Modern Family

Phil is lovable in the way that Seth Cohen is: they both do ridiculous things, offend people along the way, but redeem themselves in the end because it is all in complete innocence. Phil and Claire have such a sweet relationship that reminds me a lot of Jake and I. I say this to Jake sometimes and he thinks that I'm calling him dumb, but it's actually just Jake's silliness that gets me every time. Phil is the main reason I watch the show.

Andy Bernard from The Office

Andy is yet another clueless male character who seems to always get it wrong. The thing about Andy that makes him so great is his persistence. Nothing good has ever happened to Andy. He had to switch branches. went through anger management, was cheated on by his fiancee, he's not a very good salesman and he lost Erin to Gabe. Despite it all, he upholds his precious Ivy League stature and Easter-colored wardrobe week after week. Oh, and his incredible musical talent (more Ed Helms seeping through than anything) is so endearing!

Bret and Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords

Hilarious duo. I'm sensing a pattern in my taste. Here we have two totally naive, street-stupid characters who always seem to mess things up. I always get so frustrated when these two can't find fame, because New York is always SO turned on to weird music like theirs! Two of the most original characters ever to come on TV.

Sideshow Bob from The Simpsons

Hands down: television's greatest villain. His countless failed attempts to kill Bart Simpson get me every time. He has more depth than we know: a great Shakespearian acting background and a true love for soliloquies.

Doug Funny from Doug

Such a real character. His paranoia reminds me of my young, awkward preteen years. My favorite part of Doug is his vivid daydreams of something awful happening to him in daily situations. He always expects the worst, but generally does okay in the end. Who could forget Jack Bandit and Quail Man?

Gob Bluth from Arrested Development

Gob Bluth. Magic tricks. Terrible intuition. Need I say more?

Matt and Harriet from Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

I love the complexity of their breakup. I won't say much more because Jake and I are watching it right now on Netflix. I can't recall a character like Harriet's anywhere else: an outrageously funny comedian who also has strong Christian beliefs and is constantly working to balance out the two. So maybe it's actually Harriet's character I love most.

Lucy Ricardo from I Love Lucy

I had this picture hanging in my room growing up. Lucy was a pioneer in comedy for women, yet look how beautiful she is! Lucy was a huge part of my growing up and bonding with my sisters.

I've spent way too long on here. I've got things to do so I'll wrap it up. I have not mentioned two great shows, Friends and Seinfeld, because I couldn't pick just one character from each. As we learned from the spin-off show Joey, all the characters rely on each other to be who they are. Two great ensembles.


  1. Good list. I'd have added characters from the Wonder Years... did you ever watch that one? Paul Phypher (sp)was classic

  2. Hannah! I love reading your blogs! Excellent list indeed. What I found most amusing was how you and jake relate so closely to phil and claire from modern family. Brett and I feel the same way towards their characters. Brett pretty much wants to BE phil. Haha poor ellie, she'll be so embarrassed by her dad but it'll be hilarious. I loved your list over all because so many of those picks would've been on my list too. You're an excellent writer hann so keep bloggin!
