Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hannah Lately.

My first blog post!

I've had a really productive day. I took today and the rest of the week off of teaching to go on vacation but the plans changed, so I am just in Logan catching up on some housework. I usually have the temptation of sleeping in because most days I don't teach until the afternoon. But I made myself get up early today and take Jake to school. Then this is what I did the rest of the day:

1. Went to the gym and worked out for about an hour. I've got to try and remember to NOT go to the gym at 8:30 AM because all that was on TV was food and cooking shows. Why would I want to watch that while exercising? I actually don't like watching food on TV ever. Luckily at 9:00 "The Price is Right" came on. I don't like those people who bid one dollar higher than the last person, it's mean. If I went on the show I would be nicer.

2. Came home and started cleaning. Our bedroom was ridiculously messy. I mean really. One of my biggest problems is that once a room gets a little messy, I let myself go and throw all my clothes on the ground for the next week until I clean it again. I rearranged everything, including moving the bed all by myself! I went through some old boxes of Jake's stuff and found some cute things he collected growing up. After cleaning the bedroom for about 2 hours I rearranged some stuff in Jake's office for another 2 hours. Then I took a cat nap until Jake came home.

3. After Jake came home I took a much needed break, ate some lunch, and watched some "Friends". Today Monica broke up with Richard, so sad. I fell asleep on the couch and meant to wake up to make some dinner for Jake, but he woke me up at about 6:00 and had made some spaghetti! He has a huge accounting test tomorrow so the fact that he took a break and made us dinner was so nice.

I guess only part of my day was productive, but for a day off I would consider it a success. :)

When I was cleaning my room I found my Raggedy Anne, which my mom made for me when I was 4. My dad embroidered this on her:

I don't really like putting pictures up of our bedroom (I guess I just don't want people seeing where I sleep, I don't know, haha) but I did rearrange our living room too! I used to teach my younger students in a big arm chair but it was difficult to play in and they're all getting too tall! So I bought a tall chair to sit with some of my older students during their lessons. I assembled it all by myself, I'm kind of proud. :) Here's a picture of my new teaching corner:


  1. Friends is the best show ever. Minus that whole story arc where Rachel and Joey got involved. Blog looks great!
    I'm the first one to ever comment on your blog!

  2. from this angle the picture looks crooked, but it's not

  3. YAY! HANNAH BLOGS! Following you............ NOW!!!
