Friday, March 18, 2011

Day #2: My Sister Mallory.

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been friends with the longest.

That would be my sister, Mallory.

I don't remember a time without Mallory.

Many of my fondest memories in life involve hanging out with Mal. When we were little we shared a double bed. We both had Raggedy Anne dolls, and we would create these incredibly elaborate worlds for them to play in. Usually it involved me bossing her around, and Mal taking it well.
We had camp outs in the backyard,
spent hours making a huge imaginary bowl of soup in a huge tin tub,
read each other books in the hammock,
shared a common love for early 1990s Disney movies.

And when our two younger sisters got older....
we stole episodes from "I Love Lucy" and reformatted them into plays,
made each of our beloved Ty Beanie Babies into "King/Queen of the Day",
recorded "The Rugrats Movie" onto cassette tape and played it late at night,
learned fiddle tunes together and played tag while playing fiddle.

We felt heartbreak together,
fought over why the other should or shouldn't date/be friends with someone,
lived together in college,
became friends by choice and not by relation.

I love my sister Mallory.


  1. woah and apparently i once made a blog and named it mallory revolution? what was i thinking??

  2. Wow. All this reminicsing is making me recall a certain prominent memory of us pretending to be pippy longstockings while skating around your mother's kitchen floor, supposedly "mopping" it with buckets of suds.. Lol. All we really did was flood the kitchen. I wonder if I ever apologized to Aunt Jenni for that..? Well, if the subject ever comes up, please pass along my apologies.

  3. This is hil btw, I don't know how these blog things work and I barely even remember setting up a blog let alone calling it "JustMe."....lame.

  4. Hil, I totally remember that! We had some good times in the old Knights Ferry house, and some good times at your Escalon house. :)

  5. Haha, Hilary, that's what happened with me, too...I don't remember setting up a blog, let alone calling it Mallory Revolution. I'm scared to look at what I posted on it...
