Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day #6: Colton Burpo.

Day #6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with.

Well, I thought a lot about this, and there's a lot of people that would be interesting to trade places with. Oprah Winfrey, for one. I have a strong dislike for Oprah, but I still think it would be kind of fun. But I decided on this:

This boy's name is Colton Burpo. When he was four years old his appendix burst, but his parents didn't realize it until 4 days later. They took him to the hospital immediately, but with all the toxins in his body, he didn't make it. In fact, he died and went to heaven for a brief period, and then came back. This is an interesting story, with a lot of important background information. Colton's father is a pastor of a church in their town, which means Colton's upbringing has always been very religious. This has made some people doubt whether or not Colton's story is true or if it is a way for the father to make believers out of non-believers.

The thing that makes it interesting is that Colton's mother miscarried a short time after Colton was born, and they never told him about it. But when Colton came back to life, he said he had met his baby sister up in heaven, and had also met his grandpa ("Pop"). Once again, this could all be made up, but I believe it may be true.

For me personally, the hardest part to believe is this: Colton said that all the angels had wings. My religious belief is that angels do not have wings. I know that many people do, and probably in this case Colton and his family believe this. I'm not saying that Colton made up the whole thing, but now I am curious as to why he would say this.

That is why I would trade places for a day with Colton. I want to see what really happened and understand this boy's beautiful depiction of heaven. He also said that there are lots of colors, many animals, and that nobody is old, but in a younger state.

Colton Burpo is not the first person to experience going to heaven and coming  back. There are many other people who have made this claim. I can't imagine what that would be like.

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