Friday, March 25, 2011

My mom.

Day #9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

No doubt about it, this would be my Mother.

My mom is simply just the most wonderful lady I will ever meet. Or that YOU will ever meet, for that matter. She is often known to many people as someone who can do it all. She runs about half of MJC, is going to graduate school, helps out at OHS in the drama department, and still manages to be a great mom and person to anyone and everyone in need. She has an incredible ability to take on any task given her and produce very fine results.

But that's not what makes her so great. She has a kind heart, sees the good in every situation, puts others before herself, offers great advice, and has so much charity in her life. The word that I would use to describe her is


She's worked her whole life to teach me what integrity is. Its taken me 22 years to understand it on the level she does. My mom will be the same no matter who she is with.

My mom has gotten me through so much. The list of things she has done for me is long and personal. I love her so much, and am so blessed to have her not only as my mother, but as my friend.

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