Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice

This past Wednesday Jake and I went in for our 20 week ultrasound, pretty confident that we would see a little boy. I had taken a bunch of online tests, read symptoms of carrying a boy or a girl, did the Chinese calendar that everyone swears by... we had even imagined our little boy with the name Atticus. Little Atty would present himself to us in the ultrasound, and we could start buying some blue things for him.

To our surprise, the ultrasound tech said that we are having a GIRL! We were both shocked, but so excited. I guess we learned our lesson not to be super sure next time.

Right now she is cute as a button, though I may have joked during the ultrasound that she looks kind of like Voldemort because her nose is still pretty small. And let's face it; Voldemort looks a little like a baby fetus in the first few movies. The ultrasound tech wasn't too happy that I said that, but Jake and I had a good laugh. I guess it's just our twisted sense of humor. The way I see it is that she is still growing, and when she finally arrives she will look just right!

Jake was concerned that if we were having a girl that she wouldn't be able to enjoy playing catch or watching baseball. But I assured him that I loved playing catch with my dad and enjoyed baseball from a young age, and I'm sure she'll have it somewhere in here genes. :) He is going to be the most amazing father to a little girl, I simply can't wait to see them become instant friends.

I had a followup appointment this past Friday with the Dr., and he said that everything looks great! I am due a few days later than we had originally thought, however. Instead of July 19th our new due date is July 25th. I don't want to wait even a few more days, but I'm trying to look on the bright side and be grateful for the fact that she is growing at a healthy rate.

I bought her a cute little white bathrobe with a pink bunny on it the other day, I just love baby bathrobes for some reason! They are so cute. I'm trying not to let myself get anything else until after I have a baby shower, but that won't be for a while more.

Anyway, some people had been asking me for some ultrasound pictures. Not to make anyone else feel bad, but I'm just not a fan of putting those on the internet, I feel like they are kind of personal! So I decided to compromise and just put up two pictures of her face. No need to show the proof that she is a girl or anything, haha.
If anyone has any insight on if she looks like Jake or me, I'd love to hear it. We've decided she definitely has my giant forehead, and will probably be cursed with the insanely large Abbott head. I think so far she has Jake's nose, and he thinks she has my nose. But who knows!

We are thrilled to be having a girl, even though we were expecting a boy. Someday we'll have our little Atticus. And at that point, he will have an amazing older sister! We think we have a name picked out but will keep it under wraps in such a public setting... don't want anybody stealing it!

Here are the pictures:

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