Friday, January 20, 2012

Being Pregnant, Part 1

I've been meaning to blog for quite a while about some fun (and not so fun) details of being pregnant! Jake and I are expecting a baby on July 19th, 2012. So without further ado, here are some things that I can recall of the last 14 weeks.

We found out in early November that I was pregnant. I had just gotten home from picking Jake up from work. I had been taking some early result pregnancy tests a few days before, but all came out negative. I was sure I wasn't pregnant. But then I decided to try one again, since it wasn't so early anymore. It was the night that Jake had to register for Spring semester classes (at midnight; it's very stressful and kind of a race to get the classes you want online right at midnight before anyone else). So at around 11:45 pm, I took a test, saw double lines and FREAKED OUT! I couldn't believe it, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I started shaking uncontrollably, calling to Jake to come in. He came in and was in total shock too, but we couldn't really talk about it too much until he finished registering for his classes. So I took 2 or 3 more, all with the same result. At around 12:30, we finally celebrated and scratched our heads at the same time, completely in awe. Jake insisted that we go to Rancheritos to celebrate (a hole in the wall diarrhea-inducing Mexican restaurant). We did that, and talked forever about it. It was wonderful, even though I'm an 8-hours-of-sleep fanatic and had to wake early the next morning for work.

I started feeling nauseous not too long after I found out. Nothing too serious though, just weird spurts of being super hungry and wanting everything, to not wanting to be near food at all. I'm actually having a hard time remembering exactly what made me feel sick, but I was feeling crappy enough to know I was definitely pregnant. As if that wasn't enough, I took a few more tests over the next few days after finding out, just to be safe. Jake still makes fun of me for that. We told my parents and Jake's parents pretty early on that we were expecting, which was so much fun. My sister Mallory found out early too; just sisterly intuition I guess... and she came over and saw some stuff we had brought home from the doctor.

Well, I've done tons of reading on what should be going on week to week in my pregnancy. Kind of pointless. EVERYTHING I've read and heard has told me that I should feel this magical change in the second trimester, that life should suddenly sprout flowers spontaneously and that I would feel better. So wrong! I started throwing up at about week 11, and it has only gotten worse. I have thrown up almost every day this week, and I'm 14 weeks. If there is one thing that I've learned, it's that every pregnancy with every woman is different. I had to learn a while ago to stop comparing mine to others, because it's unique! But I am so grateful everyday that I can feel some sort of sickness, because I'm one of the biggest worriers out there, and if there's no evidence of a baby I start to freak out a little. As far as cravings go, I've never really experienced that too much. My thought is that I've always had cravings my whole life, and it's no different now. I mostly have food aversions, especially to foods I used to love, like hamburgers, milk and potato salad. I'm starting to show a little, which is so fun! Sometimes at first glance in the mirror I think to myself, "Wow, I need to lose some weight!", and then I realize that there's a baby in my tummy and that it's okay.

Well, Jake and I have always imagined ourselves having a boy first. I'm a big believer and supporter of older brothers, as I have 3 of them. I would love for the kids following this one to have that strong model in their lives. But I'm starting to realize that there are some pretty great older sisters out there too! I'm starting to feel like it's a girl, but Jake's dead set that it's a boy. At any rate, we've found some names that we love. Boys names that we love are Samuel, Miles, Jude and Atticus. Atticus will probably end up being a middle name, but it's fun to keep it on the list. We really love Adelaide, Iris and Evelyn for girls. I also love Adele, and we both like Eowyn a lot, but I'm starting to second guess on that one. It's the prettiest name, but would be confusing for people to spell or pronounce, plus it would make us TOTAL "Lord of the Rings" geeks. Which we're not. We just happen to love LOTR a normal amount. I'm taking a big chance putting these names on here... I feel like somebody having a baby before me could steal a name, but meh. It's cool.

I feel like I'm forgetting so many things! Jake has been so sweet and happy about the whole thing. He is incredibly patient with me, as I don't ever feel like cooking and the house isn't always spotless. I just love him. I hope that the baby looks like him, and that he/she definitely has his eyes. I've been lucky to have a brand new niece and nephew born recently, so I get to hold them and play mom sometimes. Our baby will be in the same grade as Emily and Gabriel! I'm thrilled. We're so excited for this next stage in our lives.

I know people love pictures in blogs, so I'll post a couple of my aforementioned niece and nephew, because I love them so much and babies are constantly on my mind now. :)

Emily Jane Abbott

Jack being cute with Emily.

Will, her other big brother. Such a sweet boy.



  1. Yay! We're so excited for you guys!

    I also realized very early on that my pregnancy was completely unique to me and nobody else. I got so tired of people saying "Oh, you're going to be so sick!" or "Well, this is what's going ot happen" that I just started to ignore them and totally do my own thing.

    Good luck!

  2. Hannah! So excited that I found your blog! You are so cute, I loved reading about your pregnancy so far. I hope that you get feeling better! Being sick is the worst. You are right, every pregnancy is unique. Don't listen to what other people say... they don't know what your body is going through. Next time we're up in Logan I'll have to give you a call! Keep us updated :)

  3. Haha it sounds just like you see it in the movies... like ten or more pregnancy tests. But I am so excited for you guys!! First grandbaby! He/she will be so spoiled!
