Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A little book obsessed?

These are all the books I have bought so far in anticipation of our little one. I've been saying that I find it more important for our baby to have lots and lots of books than tons of cute clothes. I think it's because I just loved being read to by my parents when I was young. It was my favorite thing.

I am proud to say that I didn't spend a fortune on all of these books, though! I only bought 3 of them at full price: "Tikki Tikki Tembo", "Piggies" and "Love You Forever". One of Jake's Christmas presents was these books, because I told him I would love for him to read to our baby when she gets here. These were 3 of my favorites. "Love You Forever" just makes me cry now!

The rest of the books cost me 99 cents, except for "Chrysanthemum" which was $1.99 and "The Monster at the End of this Book", which was $2.99. There are a couple of places in Logan that sell used books. All of the books I've bought were ones that I loved when I was little. I'm hoping to find some new books but I know these are good so I went with these.

There are about 100 Dr. Seuss books that I want to get, but they are so expensive; about $9 everywhere I look! Amazon sells them for a penny but then they get you in shipping. Some of the ones I MUST have: Fox in Sox, There's a Wocket in my Pocket, The Thinks You Can Think, The Lorax, Green Eggs and Ham, I Wish That I Had Duck Feet, Wacky Wednesday, Daisy Head Mayzie, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Hop on Pop... I could go on forever.

What are some of your favorite children's books?


  1. these are great picks! books at THE Best- they are my kids fav toy- good thinking :)

  2. Check out TJMAXX and ROSS for the DR. Seuss books. I have seen some that have multiple stories in one book that are not priced too high.....Books are definitely something to stock up on. Also don't forget about the library!! we go every week and get new books every week! I am so excited for you!
