Thursday, July 7, 2011

Saves the day.

Without airing out anyone's dirty laundry, and honestly trying not to receive pity from anyone...

Today was the absolute worst day that I can recall thus far in my life.

Let's just say I've got about 100 emotions running rampant in my poor little brain all at once.

It's important to document this day, because there were a few saving graces that at least distracted me.

FRIENDS. Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Joey, Ross and Chandler: Thanks, guys. Sometimes you really feel like my friends.

This week's PEOPLE Magazine. I got to read about Emily Maynard and Brad Womack's sad breakup. Made me feel like my life is pretty happy after all.

Jake doing everything he can to make me laugh.

$5 pizza from Little Caesar's. My favorite search engine for a little inspiration.

Spontaneous trip to the gym for a quick run to purge my emotions.

Followed directly by a cold shower. I'd never taken one before. Very refreshing.

The Real Housewives of New York. Oh man, those women are crazy. Another verification that my life is normal.

Super Smash Brothers with Jake. He hates that game, but he was a sweetheart and let us play for a bit.

Every once in a while, when things get really bad, little good things can add up to make it bearable.


  1. love you hannah! you and your family are in our prayers. let us know if you need anything ;)

  2. Thanks, Ashley. I feel people's prayers today for sure.
